My Kingdom for a Wallet
Why oh why can’t someone make a wallet that:
Can hold at least ten plastic cards, some cash, and some receipts so they are easily accessible?
Isn’t so huge that it looks like I’m carrying a copy of War and Peace in my pocket?
Looks fairly smart, preferably made from leather, but not like I just bought it from Armani or some other o-so-faishonable label?
Lasts more than 2 weeks?
And most importantly, has a zip all the way round so your stuff doesn’t fall out?
Is this so hard? (grumble, grumble).
Wallet manufacturers: I will pay you £200 for a wallet that fulfills the above criteria. I realise this won’t cover your R&D; costs if it’s just for me, but I’m sure you could sell more of them. Please feel free to design the wallet before manufacturing it if that helps.