Blog Refresh
Recently I relaunched this blog on This was for several reasons:
I wanted to get away from Wordpress. I’d been beholden to it as a tool for a little too long, and it’s become somewhat heavyweight, and was also exposing to a lot of spam. By removing a database backend and the ability to add comments, this should go.
I wanted to give a refreshed look and feel. I’ve redesigned everything from scratch using Bootstrap. The look and feel is still a work in progress, but I now get the chance to play with everything from scratch rather than worry about Wordpress themes.
I wanted to experiment with using Jekyll, especially as part of a Grunt pipeline. This allows me to use Markdown for editing posts, and lots of other cool features, as well as track my website content through Git.
I wanted to chance to energise myself and get myself writing again!
If anyone notices any issues with the new blog, please do let me know.