Symbol | Meaning |
m | Number of lanes on the motorway |
A1m(t) | Cumulative number of through vehicles that would have passed point 1 if there were no queueing |
A1s(t) | Cumulative number of exiting vehicles that would have passed point 1 if there were no queueing |
A2s(t) | Cumulative number of vehicles from the joining slip road that would have passed point 2 if there were no queuing |
A2m(t) | Cumulative number of vehicles from the motorway that would have passed point 2 if there were no queuing |
A2(t) | Cumulative number of vehicles that would have arrived at point 2 by time t if there were no queueing |
D1m(t) | Cumulative number of through vehicles that have passed point one |
D2(t) | Cumulative number of vehicles that have actually passed point 2 |
D2s(t) | Cumulative number of vehicles that have passed point 2, that came from the slip road |
D2m(t) | Cumulative number of vehicles that have passed point 2, that came from the motorway |
Maximum service rate of motorway at the merge point (ie. maximum number of cars per hour that can pass point 2) | |
(t) | Service rate of the motorway, at point 2, at time t |
s | Maximum service rate of the entry slip road |
s(t) | Service rate of the entry slip road at time t |
t | Time to travel from between points 1 and 2, when there is no queueing |
c | Capacity of the motorway between points 1 and 2 (how many vehicles can queue in that stretch of motorway) |
Most motorway junctions are designed so that when there is a large hold up the traffic on the entry slip road will enter the motorway alternately with the traffic on the "slow lane". Thus s = /2, and so the service rate on the motorway for through traffic is -s. This also means that the through traffic on the motorway is occupying m-1/2 lanes of the motorway.
If through traffic on the motorway isn't using all of its service rate
then the entry slip road's traffic can use up the slack in the system (up
to the maximum limit of the slip road), and thus effectively the joining
traffic gets service priority, and vice versa, when the entry slip road's
traffic isn't using its full service rate then motorway through traffic
can use up the slack, and so it gets service priority.
Most commonly what happens is that a queue builds up on the motorway,
but the slip road remains free of queueing traffic,. as the slip road operates
under its full capacity, s.
It can be said that:
If we presume that there isn't a lane reserved soley for the use of
exiting traffic then the exiting traffic will have to share a lane with
through traffic, thus the delay for exiting traffic arriving at point 1
at a time T will be the same for a through vehicle arriving at point 1
at time T.
The delay for all through vehicles will be equal to the area between
the curve of A1m(t) (which equals A2m(t + t)), and D1m(t) (which
equals D2m(t) + c). Thus the delay for a single vehicle is the integral
from 0 to T of (A2m(t + t) - D2m(t) - c) with respect to t / the
number of vehicles:
In order for there to be no effect on traffic leaving the motorway there would need to be one lane reserved solely for traffic exiting the motorway at point 1, and in which case: