Mathematics for all Queueing Models
There is some simple mathematics which can apply to all queueing models.
It is outlined below. Firstly, It is obvious from the definitions
and that:
Also, generalised equations are available which apply to any queueing
It has been shown that in a steady-state queueing system, that .
This is known as Little's Law, as it was discovered by John D. C. Little.
A proof can be found in [LITT61]. Little
also managed to show that .
If the arrival rate of customers is not independent of the size of the
queue, then the symbol
in Little's Law can be replaced with ,
which denotes the average customer arrival rate over a long period of time.
If one assumes that the expected service time is as indicated as above,
then it follows from the definition of W and Wq,
Last Updated: 14th June 1999