Main Theory
This project is divided into three sections. This section describes the
main principles, outlines some of the terminology and notation, and goes
into some mathematical detail on queueing theory.
Outline of this section
Although these sections do not have to be read in order, and are designed
for easy reference, a reader new to the subject of queueing theory is encouraged
to read them in order for maximal understanding.
References throughout the text have a four-letter, two-digit code which
can be used to look them up in the list below. Text in the list below in
italics indicates journal information.
[HILL95] HILLIER, F. S. and LIEBERMAN, G. J. [1995] Introduction
to Operations Research (6th Ed).
[KLEI75] KLEINROCK, L. [1975] Queueing Systems (Volume 1 - Theory).
[LITT61] LITTLE, J. D. C. [1961] A proof for the Queueing Formula ,
Research, 9(3): 383-387
[PAGE72] PAGE, E. [1972] Queueing Theory in OR.
[WALR88] WALRAND, J. [1988] An Introduction to Queueing Networks.
Author Unknown [1971] Analysis of Some Queuing [sic] Models
in Real-Time Systems (2nd Ed) - IBM Technical Publications Dept.
Webpages for more information
Note: as these are links to external sites, their quality or reliability
cannot be guaranteed. However, they were checked links as of the date this
page was last updated, and were working reliably then. Queueing Theory
information is not easy to find on the web, due to it's highly technical
nature. However, some of the better pages this author found are listed
Definition - a (rather restrictive)
definition of queueing theory, from a computer science viewpoint (note as of
2005-05-05: page removed as it no longer seems to be present).
General Page -
a page with a variety of information about queueing theory - useful, but
not terribly well organised.
Applets - a page
containing several Java applets which work through queueing theory models
from initial data. Worth a try.
Queueing Systems - a page investigating queueing theory from an entirely mathematical
bent (note as of 2005-05-05: page removed as it no longer seems
to be present).